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The 5 Best Practices for Healthy Gums and Teeth

Key indicators of your mouth’s health include how well-aligned your teeth are and the brightness of your smile. However, you shouldn’t ignore your gums. Having cavity-free, pearl-white chompers doesn’t make you immune to gum disease. Dr Bryan Shanahan warns that gum disease may be painless and that means you might not notice that something is wrong with your gums. Here are the best practices to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 1. Brush your teeth properly twice a day Brushing your teeth Read more [...]

The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups

When you were younger, you probably made regular trips to the dentist with the help of your parents. As you’ve gotten older, those trips have likely come less and less often; you find yourself scratching your head trying to remember the last time you were in a dentist’s chair. No matter if you have dental insurance or not, getting back into the habit of utilizing professional help to tend to your oral health is essential for several reasons. Take Care of Cavities Cavities often work their Read more [...]

Some of the Surgical Options Available to You If You Want to Lose Weight

Losing weight is something that is first and foremost on the minds of many different people. Considering the amount of people who are now overweight or obese, this is no surprise. Because of this growing medical problem, scientists have been developing new tools and techniques to medically assist people to lose weight. Three of those options are the lap band, the gastric bypass, and the ReShape gastric balloon. About the Lap Band The lap band is a semi-permanent surgical solution that encourages Read more [...]

Summertime Food Safety Tips

Summertime means you have more time to spend outside traveling to different places and BBQ'in. It is also the time of year where the number of food poisoning cases spike. You don’t have to give up going to your favorite restaurants in order to avoid this condition. Here are some food safety tips you can use to ensure that all food you eat has been handled properly. Stock Up on the Right Equipment Bacteria breeds faster when it is hotter and warmer outside. If you plan to eat your food outside, Read more [...]
Slim waist

Having Bariatric Surgery Could Affect Your Personal Relationships – Here’s How

We know that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, the beauty comes from the inside and more of such platitudes. We also know that we all judge people on what they look like, making assumptions about who they are and what kind of life they lead. We all do it, and it simple cannot be helped. If you are overweight or obese, you know that people will look at you and make certain judgements. Similarly, when you suddenly lose a lot of weight, people will judge you as well. While you may be used to Read more [...]
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How to Burn Calories on the New York Subway

For every commuter that suffers the frustrating daily commute via train, bus or car there is an exercise plan laying just waiting to be exposed. The journeys that take place each day on the New York Subway network reveal enormous opportunities for the inhabitants of New York, and tourists alike, to remain physically active and works towards a healthier existence. Health website working with licensed physician, Wayne Osborne, has created a full-blown map of the New York Subway complete Read more [...]