
Break out of the mold and show your style this graduation

Despite being booked as a day to celebrate your accomplishments, graduation certainly is a stilted event that tries to make everybody look the same. Your cookie-cutter graduation cap and gown leave little room for individuality but you have plenty of other places to let your personal style peek out. Turn to some fun ways to show off a bit of your personal style during the commencement ceremony so you don't look  like everybody else. Fun hairstyle The dreaded graduation cap will be covering the Read more [...]

How to Take Care of Your Diamond Rings.

Diamonds are considered an investment. These glistening beauties need proper care and protection to ensure they shine like the stars. Buying diamond jewellery always sends a sliver of excitement shooting from your stomach right to your toes. However, it is important to look after them and therefore keeping them clean is essential. Diamond jewellery is something that people may not wear on a daily basis. Thus, they should be stored safely when not being used. Sometimes, prolonged use causes the gemstone Read more [...]